bin_forgottin: US is not capitalist
rebuttal:America's Capitalist Economy http://economics.about.com/od/howtheuseconomyworks/a/us_capitalism.htm
bin_forgottin: Chile is not Socialist
rebuttal:Thirty Years of Chilean Socialismhttp://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/South_America/30Years_ChileanSocialism.html
bin_forgottin: These halfwits think Chile is Socialist?...Hahahahaha!...Because the President says he is a Socialist that means the nation is Socialist?....Hahahaha!
rebuttal:pinera the president is not socialist,socialist parties have been in power since the end of pinochets (neoliberal(milton friedman economics)rule...Pinera isnt socialist.
He was a member of the center-right National Renewal (RN) party, a constituent of the Coalition for Change, ex-Alliance for Chile coalition.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebastián_Piñera he headed the presidential campaign of Hernán Büchi, a former finance minister of the Pinochet government.
bin_forgottin: alghazali31: cecil rhodes was a liberal imperialist......Hahahahaha!
bin_forgottin: Dust....Most losers promote communism and socialism because they cant cut it on their own
bin_forgottin: Gimp.....Bingo....His sources are crap
rebuttal:heres a whole blog pick one example,notice he cant even substanciate his allegation yet hurls personal insult without reference or one specific case.http://thenakedfacts.blogspot.com/
bin_forgottin: Put the ignoramus on ignore
bin_forgottin: Oldman...If Yahoo charged by the post....NYCommie would disappear
rebuttal:i am not communist and i dare you give me one example where i have ever said im communist or supporter any communism...here smy blog or u tell me ...never you lie scoundrel http://thenakedfacts.blogspot.com/
best_forgotten's been spoonfed too much cold war era propaganda...the commies are comming the commies are coming..hey i cant refute you so ill lie on you then call you a commie..pathetic!!!!bin you are pathetic!!!!!
bin_forgottin: The critical factor is that there is huge support for President Alvaro Uribe, whom Colombians of all political stripes credit with ending the violence and jump-starting the countrys economy
rebuttal:first ur worng all political sides and paries dont support him see below...and heres latest polls.. asking if participants support Uribe's re-election. 54% of respondents answered "no."What is clear from the results of the two polls is that Uribe's popularity is declining. His approval rating has fallen from 66% at the end of November 2009, to less than 50% at the beginning of February 2010. http://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/8039-key-magistrate-opposed-to-re-election-referendum.html
A global, grassroots campaign against Coca-Cola is using product bans and lawsuits to shed light on the ... The Case Against Coke TRAILER-THE COCA-COLA CASE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUb-PAnflqo
Neoliberalism Needs Death Squads in Colombiahttp://coto2.wordpress.com/2009/09/05/neoliberalism-needs-death-squads-in-colombia/
40 trade unionists murdered in 2009: CUT http://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/8053-40-trade-unionists-murdered-in-2009.html
Since CUT was founded in 1986, they have recorded 2,721 murders of trade unionists, 573 of which occured since August 2002 when Colombian President Alvaro Uribe was elected."More than a statistic, this is a movement of trade unionist genocide," Vanegas said at the open of the meeting.Luciano Sanin, the director of ENS, another trade union movement based in Medellin, illustrated the magnitude of the problem with the example that Brazil, a country which as 20 times more trade unionists than Colombia but only had four trade unionist murders in 2009.
Colombian Trade Unionists Win SOLIDAR Award for Struggle for Human Rights http://www.solidar.org/Page_Generale.asp?DocID=13955&thebloc=23686
Colombia is the most dangerous country in the world to be a trade unionist. In 2008, 49 trade unionists were murdered, a 25% increase from the year before. This escalation in violence directly contradicts the claims of the Uribe regime that the situation is improving. One of the 49 trade unionists killed was a pregnant teacher by the name of Luz Mariela Diaz Lopez, a member of the Putumayo Educators Association, who was shot on 1 April 2008 in the Guamez valley, Putumayo. Another trade unionist, Emerson Ivan Herrera, was killed alongside her.
The litany of violence does not stop with the killings. Thousands of human rights lawyers, journalists, students, indigenous activists and members of the political opposition have been forcibly disappeared, with torture, death and imprisonment a daily occurrence. Today, 3.6 million Colombians are considered internally displaced people, making it the country with the second highest displaced population in the world. “Impunity for such crimes is almost absolute and this issue remains at the core of the country's human rights crisis. Successive Colombian administrations have allowed the perpetrators of widespread and severe human rights violations to escape punishment and this lack of action by the State has given a virtual green light for the abuses to continue”, said Luis Miguel Morantes Alfonso, President of the CTC.
“Reports show that the situation in Colombia is just getting worse. By awarding the Colombian trade unions with this SOLIDAR Silver Rose Award, we hope to raise awareness of the severe situation and show solidarity with the Colombian trade unions that are carrying out important work to organise Colombian workers: workers who are working under bad conditions, in dangerous working environments, with low salaries, and with no or little social protection”, said Conny Reuter, Secretary General of SOLIDAR.
In addition to the abuse of human rights, Colombian workers suffer from a severe deficit of decent working conditions.“Labour law and policy still exclude more than two thirds of workers from social and worker protection measures, by denying basic workers’ rights to over 12 million people. The law and practices of the Colombian State are contrary to the principles of decent work, leaving nearly 70% of workers in a precarious employment situation”, concluded Percy Oyola Palomá, Deputy Secretary General of the CGT
comment-also see...http://uribewarcriminal.blogspot.com/?zx=e68c3bedd1291522
bin_forgottin: Cog....I have a post counter....NYSoul posts at least 1500 times a day..Sometimes 2500......That is called mentally ill
rebuttall:again personal attack no evidence posting top noch information shows someone is mentally ill...in fact if you post the least and its all fluff or personal insults and crap info like bin,thats more of a sign of a mental illness..he has my blog and if he sees how many tiems i post why cant he refute,rebuke,or show one example wher eim propagandizing as he claims?http://thenakedfacts.blogspot.com/
bin_forgottin: Palo.....I understand Colombia is expected to be the Hottest Investment location in S America...That conditions have improved so much foreign investment money is starting to flow
rebuttal:whata lemming..conditions have improved at the expense of 3.5 million ppl displaces ,thousands of dead union trade eladers,activists,army and rigthwing paramilitary violence increase against indigenous communities,torture,war crimes ,the usual neoliberal policies of a fascst rigthwing gov who was bush administrations favorite south american client regime.pablo escobars close friend and top narcotrafficker in world of cocaine...the pres alvaro uribe!!!http://uribewarcriminal.blogspot.com/
“Agro Ingreso Seguro:” subsidizing the rich http://www.cipcol.org/?p=1137
A Scandal Brews as Colombia Subsidizes Millionaire Farmers https://nacla.org/node/6308
Then-Senator "Dedicated to Collaboration with the Medellín Cartel at High Government Levels"NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE
who was a close personal friend of Pablo Escobar,http://www.newsweek.com/id/54770
Uribe's Boys: the Death Squads of Colombia.http://www.counterpunch.org/cryan08252004.html
Neoliberalism Needs Death Squads in Colombiahttp://upsidedownworld.org/main/content/view/2091/1/
Uribe is going down the same road as Alberto Fujimori, a right-wing crookhttp://colombiareports.com/opinion/131-gustavo-silva-cano/5545-disappointed-in-uribe.html
VIDEO-Indigenous Colombians Begin 10,000-Strong March Against Uribe Governmenthttp://www.democracynow.org/2008/10/23/indigenous_colombians_begin_10_000_strong
ASOCOLOM: Uribe is NOT welcome in Canada PRESS RELEASE – JUNE 10, 2009, Montreal -Canada.FROM: Colombia Action and Solidarity Network (ASOCOLOM)http://canadacolombiaproject.blogspot.com/2009/06/asocolom-uribe-is-not-welcome-in-canada.html
Colombians Refuse to Be Displaced: Over 5,000 Occupy the Piñuña Negro Police Inspectors Office in Putumayo Indigenous and Afro-Colombian Campesinos Demand an End to Coca Eradication and Plan Colombiahttp://www.narconews.com/Issue63/article3998.html
Gringo media in bed with Uribehttp://colombiareports.com/opinion/117-cantonese-arepas/7444-gringo-media-in-bed-with-uribe.html
After praising Uribe and his war policies the editorials brazenly fail to mention, or downplay, his government’s dozens of cases of corruption: Para-politicshttp://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/496-parapolitics-paralyzes-colombian-senate.html, Yidis-politicshttp://www.colombiareports.com/events-nightlife/85-colombian-news/856-yidis-medina-found-guilty-of-bribery.html, extrajudicial killingshttp://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/3696-prosecution-investigates-1300-false-positives-cases.html, Carimaguahttp://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/457-controversial-carimagua-plans-suspended-minister-says.html, DAS illegal wiretappinghttp://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/2981-das-continues-illegal-wiretapping.html, free trade zones given to Uribe’s sonshttp://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/3677-uribe-sons-allegedly-engaged-in-insider-trading.html, notaries scandalhttp://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/4891-presidency-issed-notaries-to-congressmen-official.html, humanitarian crisishttp://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/3706-colombia-violence-displaced-more-than-380000-in-2008-codhes.html, and Agro Ingreso Segurohttp://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/6082-beauty-queens-and-policitians-families-receive-major-subsidies.html, among many others. Abuses of power are also conveniently ignored: allowing U.S. troops to use seven military baseshttp://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/6547-state-council-recommends-that-bases-agreement-pass-through-congress.html, hindering the trial of soldiers behind extrajudicial killings, interfering in the trial of a colonel behind the disappearance of 11 people during the Palace of Justice siegehttp://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/7241-families-of-palace-of-justice-victims-take-case-to-un.html, framing a Navy Admiralhttp://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/7177-supreme-court-acquits-navy-admiral-of-drug-trafficking-charges.html, and derailing investigations on the DAS scandalhttp://www.semana.com/noticias-nacion/tapen-tapen/131043.aspx
No To Fascism In Colombia: London 10 Dec Vigil
Report by Colombia Solidarity Campaign
Published: 11/11/02
Vigil on International Human Rights Day
4pm - 7pm Tuesday 10th December 2002
BP Headquarters, Finsbury Circus London EC2
(nearest tubes Moorgate and Liverpool Street)http://www.labournet.net/world/0211/colomb5.html
Stop Fascism in Colombiahttp://www.colombiasolidarity.org.uk/content/view/155/54/
The son of a landlord narco-trafficker, friend of dodgy businessmen and a long time promoter of right-wing paramilitary death squads, Uribe was elected by less than a quarter of all Colombians. He is doubling the size of the armed forces, recruiting hundreds of thousands of village guards and aims to build a network of one million informers to defeat the social movements and the guerrillas, the FARC and the ELN. At the same time, US military involvement is rapidly expanding, with the planned insertion of US troops creating the very real possibility of a Latin American front to the so-called War on Terror.
Militarisation goes hand in hand with authoritarian rule. Government ministers openly state that they must curtail democratic rights. Uribe immediately declared a 'State of Internal Unrest' allowing him to rule by presidential decree, by passing Congress. All the social movements live in fear for their lives. Armed police raid international NGOs accusing them of being guerrillas. Uribe's government clearly regards trade unionists as legitimate targets for assassination. He has brought Colombia to the brink of fascism.
Posted by alffraudwatch at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
bin_forgottin: Re Chavez Regime:....In one case reported to Human Rights Watch, a 98-year-old woman was denied medicines that she had long received from a state development agency because, as her family was told by the program secretary, she had signed the referendum petition
rebuttal:Human Rights Watch in Venezuela: Lies, Crimes and Cover-upshttp://lahaine.org/petras/articulo.php?p=1755&more=1&c=1
Human Rights Watch, a US-based group claiming to be a non-governmental organization, but which is in fact funded by government-linked quasi-private foundations and a Congressional funded political propaganda organization, the National Endowment for Democracy, has issued a report “A Decade Under Chavez: Political Intolerance and Lost Opportunities for Advancing Human Rights in Venezuela” (9/21/2008 hrw.org).
118 scholars from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, México, the United States, the U.K., Venezuela, and other countries publicly criticized HRW for a perceived bias against the government of Venezuela. The open letter criticized the report by stating that it "does not meet even the most minimal standards of scholarship, impartiality, accuracy, or credibility
Posted by alffraudwatch at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
bin_forgottin: Re Chavez Regime:....In one case reported to Human Rights Watch, a 98-year-old woman was denied medicines that she had long received from a state developmentbin_forgottin: agency because, as her family was told by the program secretary, she had signed the referendum petition
rebuttal:hrw no credibility heres why not..Hoge Named Human Rights Watch Chairman http://www.officialwire.com/main.php?action=posted_news&rid=81318&catid=38 Human Rights Watch said Sunday it picked Foreign Affairs magazine editor James F. Hoge Jr. to be the fourth chairman in the group's 32-year history. Since 1922, the Council on Foreign Relations has published Foreign Affairs, "America's most influential publication on international affairs and foreign policyhttp://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Foreign_Affairs
On January 1, 2005 they obtained a five-year, $15 million challenge grant from the Sandler Family Supporting Foundation.http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Sandler_Family_Supporting_Foundation
On January 1, 2005 "Human Rights Watch has announced a five-year, $15 million challenge grant from Herbert and Marion Sandler, co-CEOs of Oakland-based Golden West Financial Corporation.
"The grant, the largest in the organization's twenty-six year history, will strengthen its ability to respond to urgent crises worldwide. The Sandlers and their children will donate $3 million a year for five years through the Sandler Family Supporting Foundation as long as Human Rights Watch raises $6 million annually in matching funds from first-time donors or existing donors who increase their contributions."
"The Sandlers and their children will donate $3 million a year for five years through the Sandler Family Supporting Foundation as long as Human Rights Watch raises $6 million annually in matching funds from first-time donors or existing donors who increase their contributions."
Posted by alffraudwatch at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
bin_forgottin: According to the International Speculator the new hot spot for investors is Colombia....As long as the violence is controlled
rebuttal:.Neoliberalism Needs Death Squads in Colombiahttp://coto2.wordpress.com/2009/09/05/neoliberalism-needs-death-squads-in-colombia/
A War Against Human Rights and the Environment Obama's War for Oil in Colombia http://www.counterpunch.org/kovalik01272010.html
COLOMBIA: Who Cares About the Victims of Forced Displacement http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=50158
Colombia's urban unemployment rises: DANEhttp://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/economy/7934-colombias-urban-unemployment-rises-dane.html
Colombia's Unemployment Rate Reaches 16-Month Highhttp://www.economy.com/dismal/pro/blog.asp?cid=114048
Dissident Voice : Neoliberalism Needs Death Squads in Colombiahttp://dissidentvoice.org/2009/09/neoliberalism-needs-death-squads-in-colombia/
Crimes Of War Project > Magazine > Colombia: The Traffic of Terrorhttp://www.crimesofwar.org/colombia-mag/introduction.html
Colombia’s bad indians’ uprising: meeting with Cauca indigenoushttp://www.bilaterals.org/article.php3?id_article=13521&lang=es
Indigenous Colombians, along with campesinos, Afro-Colombians, women, and the urban poor, are among the groups that have suffered the most from Uribe’s Democratic Security policy and the U.S.-financed Plan Colombia. The Permanent People’s Tribunal of Colombia issued a statement in July warning of “the imminent danger of physical and cultural extinction faced by 28 indigenous groups,” in Colombia. The tribunal charges the Colombian government, armed actors, and transnational corporations with “the deployment of strategies that have the objective of expelling indigenous peoples from areas of economic interest...[and]...to facilitate the exploitation of these areas...by transnational corporations,” charges that the tribunal says amount to genocide.The next President of the United States of America must be held accountable for his policies in Colombia.
Crimes Of War Project > Magazine > Colombia: The Traffic of Terrorhttp://www.crimesofwar.org/colombia-mag/introduction.html
Colombia's displacement crisishttp://www.alertnet.org/db/an_art/59877/2009/09/29-162250-1.htm
free trade zones given to Uribes sonshttp://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/3677-uribe-sons-allegedly-engaged-in-insider-trading.html
plan colombia is funded by US GOVERNMENT...also see..The Dark Side of Plan Colombia http://www.thenation.com/doc/20090615/ballve/single
U.S. military aid increased paramilitary violence: researchers http://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/7156-research-suggests-us-military-aid-increased-paramilitary-violence-in-colombia-.html
Government extradited paramilitary bosses to silence them: HRW http://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/7959-government-extradited-paramilitary-bosses-to-silence-them-hrw.html
La Macarena, the site of the grave, has been a very important site of U.S.-aided military operations since the mid-2000s. In this area, the U.S. government supported and advised the Colombian Armys 2004-2006 Plan Patriota military offensive, and since 2007 has supported the Plan for the Integral Consolidation of La Macarena or PCIM, part of the new Integrated Action framework that is now guiding much U.S. assistance. http://www.cipcol.org/?p=1242
State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2009 - Colombiahttp://www.unhcr.org/refworld/country,,MRGI,,COL,,4a66d9ba2a,0.html
In a country where the (former) UN Commission on Human Rights once noted that the wealthiest 10 per cent is responsible for 46.9 per cent of all consumer spending, nearly half of Colombia's total population lives below the poverty line. Fully 80 per cent of African Colombians live in extreme poverty.
Seventy-two per cent of Colombia's indigenous people and 87 per cent of African Colombians over 18 years of age have not completed primary education. At the postgraduate levels, less than 1 per cent (0.71) of enrolled students are indigenous and just 7.07 per cent are African Colombian.
COLOMBIAN Paramilitaries displace population near Venezuela borderhttp://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/7821-paramilitaries-displace-population-near-venezuela-border.html
Extreme Poverty Up http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20090824-713382.htmlMeanwhile, extreme poverty increased to 17.8% of the country's total population in 2008, compared with 15.7% in 2005, but less than the 19.7% reported in 2002 also see...Neoliberalism Needs Death Squads in Colombiahttp://coto2.wordpress.com/2009/09/05/neoliberalism-needs-death-squads-in-colombia/
bin_forgottin: Poverty is dropping in Colombia...10% drop in 4 years
rebuttal:Colombian unemployment is uphttp://incakolanews.blogspot.com/2008/12/colombian-unemployment-is-up.html
Colombia's Unemployment Rate Reaches 16-Month Highhttp://www.economy.com/dismal/pro/blog.asp?cid=114048
Uribe Falls to Earthhttp://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2009/07/03/uribe_falls_to_earth
Demand for its exports, especially manufactured goods to the United States, has plummeted. Prices of commodities, particularly Colombia's oil, coal, and minerals, have fallen. The country's urban unemployment rate has returned to double digits after a few years of prosperity, with an additional 30 percent of the workforce underemployed and toiling in the informal sector.
bin_forgottin: chavez favors insiders...if you arent an insider he takes your property...has nothing to do with whether you follow the laws or create jobs
rebutta:FLASHBACK -The following sections of the FAIR web site relevant to corporate propaganda against Venezuela http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=13
bin_forgottin: Crook Chavez now needs to steal retailers property to finance his corruption...http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8464741.stm
rebuttal:President Chávez takes Almacenes Exito to the Woodshedhttp://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_58159.shtml and engaged in price-gouging on food over the last decade is a shot across the bow and a full frontal attack on the speculators. Almost immediately after the government devalued the Bolivar, the "hypermercado", Exito responded by increasing its prices by 50% and in some cases, doubling their prices on everything from food to laundry detergent. Soon after, Exito stores were occupied by the Venezuelan Guardia Nacionál and shut down from Zulia on the Colombian border to Caracas.
French owners of Exito hyper-markets make Chavez surprise offer of joint venture http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=87969
bin_forgottin: Career military officer, Chávez founded the left-wing Fifth Republic Movement after orchestrating a FAILED 1992 coup d'état against former President Carlos Andrés
bin_forgottin: Pérez....14 killed and 130 injured….Why didnt he pay the price?
rebuttal:notice how he brougth up a topic wich he asks silly question anyone knowledgable wouldnt even have to ask...he didnt pay price because he fled to miami and was granted asylum...shouldnt he know this?he introduced the subject.mental midget sigh
In 1998, he was imprisoned again, this time for holding joint bank accounts with his mistress, Cecilia Matos. As he was elected Senator of the State of Táchira in 1998, he gained his liberty. Pérez lost this position when Chávez dissolved the Senate as an institution and created a unique National Assembly. He then left Venezuela and went into exile in Miami. He has since gained notoriety by being one of the most vehement opposers of President Hugo Chávez.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Andrés_Pérez
bin_forgottin: Artist....The world is fragmented and few of them trust each other...And the US is so powerful they are afraid
rebuttal:the simpleton having no grasp of whats ocurring outside his own backyard ignorantly thinks would i sitting around too afraid to organize itself and build alliances. heres afew examples
South American leaders launch new alliance Unasurhttp://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/uncategorized/south-american-leaders-launch-new-alliance-unasur_10052145.html
ALBA Summit Creates New Model for Latin American Integrationhttp://www.venezuelanalysis.com/news/2362
Summit of South America - Arab Countrieshttp://www.qatar-conferences.org/south/english/news_website_details.php?id=36
South American-Arab summit aims to undercut US influencehttp://app1.chinadaily.com.cn/star/2005/0512/cn11-2.html
Bank of the South - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_of_the_South
China and Brazil: Dump the Dollar - BusinessWeekhttp://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/blog/eyeonasia/archives/2009/05/it_is_just_the.html
Abandoned U.S. Dollar and Paradigm Shifthttp://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article12253.html
Mercosur Dumps U.S. Economic Lunacyhttp://www.larouchepub.com/other/2006/3331mercosur_v_us.html
Capitalist Collapse http://www.dollarsandsense.org/archives/1998/1198kotz.html
Venezuela Bolivariana: People and Struggle of the Fourth World Warhttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1797179074001054188&ei=KgYUS6-ZCsSXlAfgh-2zDg&q=world+against+capitalism&hl=en&client=opera
bin_forgottin: Palo...The Zionist Movement didnt start until the internal combustion engine was invented...I say they are related.
rebuttal:actually zionist or the idea of a jewish state ges back to brittain as early as 1600's around time of cromwell.
The rise of Israel: a history of a revolutionary state By Jonathan R. Adelmanhttp://books.google.com/books?id=NNF7GPdO8zQC&pg=PT208&lpg=PT208&dq=oliver+cromwell+puritan+brittish+israel&source=bl&ots=RreOHjbPQ2&sig=37PwnF8Xb6dTaETBM9BcAg3cZyg&hl=en&ei=R-DDSuCrH8zPlAfXrajIBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CBYQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=&f=false
...during the english revolution,the Puritans,led by Oliver Cromwell,were sympathetic to the hebraic idealism of the bible and jewish suffering,and hoped to fullfill a prophecy of a jewish restoration of a jewish homeland in palestine.
Other books from this period detailing the theory were Ezra Stiles' The United States elevated to Glory and Honorhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_United_States_elevated_to_Glory_and_Honor, published in 1783, and Richard Brothers' A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Timeshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Revealed_Knowledge_of_the_Prophecies_and_Times, published in 1794. Also cited as an original work is Rev. John Wilson's Our Israelitish Origins which was originally published during the 1840s
A REVEALED KNOWLEDGE OF THE PROPHECIES AND TIMES, Book the First, wrote [sic] under the direction of the LORD GOD and published by His Sacred Command, it being the first sign of Warning for the benefit of All Nations; Containing with other great and remarkable things not revealed to any other Person on Earth, the Restoration of the Hebrews to Jerusalem by the year of 1798 under their revealed Prince and Prophet (i.e., Richard Brothers). London, Printed in the year of Christ 1794.
Lovers of Zion: A Brief History of Christian Zionismhttp://www.zionism-israel.com/christian_zionism/Christian_Zionism_History_Ice.html
paloma.liberal: Bin .. but better for the arabs to live under the Saudi royal family
bin_forgottin: Palo....If ahmadi nejad is really working for the West.....He needs to give them reason to invade
bin_forgottin: Palo...Since the Palestinians have been abandoned by the Arab Nations....What other choice do they have?
rebuttal:first palo the retard who in past said that saud family should rule yemen(even though shes supposedly yemeni)now admits she wants saud family to rule over all arabs,how backwrads could she be?.now as far as bin is concerned ...notice he claims if that if iran gives west a reason to attack hes working with them..in other words if iran resists western domination and agressions(wich it has)such as switching from dollar to euro,challenging us hegemony in region,and refusing to allow west to dictate its technological capabilities(pursuit of nuclear program for peaceful purposes)then it is aligned with west?just nonsense ,bin is extremely misinformed and should state absurdities.,in other words if they bowed down to west they would be true enemies and if they resist west then they are allies.lol bin has just turned logic on its head.
bin_forgottin: Iraq is completely controlled by the US....Not one Iraqi is allowed to work in Banking
rebuttal: heres a few examples refuting his claim
Al-Warka Investment Bank Sabri Shammas
warkabank@hotmail.com 360-4286
Babylon Bank Abdul Razzak Mansour Saliman
Bank of Baghdad Mowafaq H. Mahmood
bankdad@uruklink.net 822-7083
Commercial Bank of Iraq Saddoun Kubba
commerce@uruklink.net 360-4188
Credit Bank of Iraq
Details in: English Fouad M. Mustafa
creditbkiq@yahoo.com 360-0494
Dar Es Salaam Investment Bank
Details in: English | Arabic Asad al-Khudhairy
asadalkhudhairy@yahoo.com 360-4646
Gulf Commercial Bank Mudher Mustafa Al-Hillawi
Gulfbank1@yahoo.com 360-4241
Investment Bank of Iraq Abbas Hadi Al-Bayaty
investmentiraq@yahoo.com 360-4243
Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank Abdul Razzak M. Ali 360-4242
National Bank of Iraq Ghassan Kamal Jamil
nationalbank_iraq@yahoo.com 360-2345
select the Union of Arab Banks, on 19 and 20 of the month of November as the date for Anaaked Annual Arab Banking Conference for 2009 in the Lebanese capital Beirut.
A statement of the Federation received by the independent press (Iba) today, Sunday, a copy of the conference will be held in cooperation with the International Union of Arab Bankers and a number of regional and international organizations under the banner of inter-Arab investment in light of an emerging global economic system.
He added that the conference will be under the auspices of the official participation of the heads of the Councils of Ministers and Ministers of Finance and Economy in the Arab world and central bank governors and senior officials of financial institutions and Arab and international banking.
The Union held during the days, the ongoing annual forum for the commitment and risk management under the theme "approach to the Basel Committee proposals for the new 2009" attended by directors and managers of risk management, credit risk management and directors and managers of units to combat money laundering.
bin_forgottin: albertusmagnus51: = Moron doesnt even know the definition of Socialism...Yet claims he is a socialist...That is what you are dealing with...A total fraud
rebuttal:there are many types of socialism not one,moron(bin)secpondly i never claimed im a socialist,i have said i accept some forms of socialism as practiced in venezuela ,and have fully exposed fabian socialism wich is liberal imperialism,liberal fascism and advocates of earlier brittish policies like social darwnism
Social Darwinism
The Development of an Intellectual Moodhttp://www.lrainc.com/swtaboo/library/lra-socialdarwinism.html
Fabian Society (socialist society) -- Britannica Online Encyclopediahttp://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/199691/Fabian-Society
In 1931 the New Fabian Research Bureau was established as an independent body. The bureauand the society amalgamated in 1938 to form a new and revitalized Fabian Society. In 1940 the Colonial Bureau of the Fabian Society was established, and it produced a continuous stream of discussion and writing on colonial questions. The Fabian International Bureau was started in 1941 to cater to the growing concern of Fabians with foreign policy and the great issues of war and peace.
Types of socialismhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_socialism1 Early interpretations
2 Marxism and Communism
2.1 Marxism-Leninism and Stalinism
2.1.1 Maoism
2.2 Other types of Communism
3 Libertarian socialism and Social anarchism
4 Democratic socialism and social democracy
5 Religious socialism
5.1 Religious communism
5.2 Christian socialism
5.3 Islamic socialism
6 Regional or ethnic socialism
6.1 African socialism
6.2 Arab socialism
6.3 Labor Zionism
6.4 Irish Republican socialism
7 Eco-socialism
8 Differences between various schools
8.1 Theory
8.2 Implementation
9 Controversial classifications
9.1 National Socialism (Nazism)
10 See also
11 References
12 Further reading
13 External links
13.1 Socialist perspective
bin_forgottin: Colombia will be the new hot spot for S America...Taking over from Brazil
rebuttal:wrong brazil is so far ahead of colombia its not even close...
Emerging Markets Investment - Brazil the Next China http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article245.html
Brazil: Emerging Powerhouse & Importerhttp://www.prlog.org/10436260-brazil-emerging-powerhouse-importer.html
Brazil becomes world's biggest emerging markethttp://www.marketwatch.com/story/brazil-becomes-worlds-biggest-emerging-market
Brazil Textiles and Clothing Report Q4 2009http://www.marketresearch.com/product/display.asp?productid=2475061&xs=r
Overall, Brazils T&C value added will fall by 1.0% in 2009, but return to positive growth withexpansion of 6.5% in 2010 This will reflect difficult international economic conditions, but also Brazilsrelative resilience. We see the recovery gathering pace from 2011, with growth of 7.1%
1000 Exhibitors, Buyers from 70 Countries. Couromoda Is onhttp://www.brazzilmag.com/component/content/article/81-january-2010/11706-1000-exhibitors-buyers-from-70-countries-couromoda-is-on.html
Brazil Central Bank's Chief Sees GDP Growing Over 5% This Yearhttp://www.brazzilmag.com/component/content/article/81-january-2010/11727-brazil-central-banks-chief-sees-gdp-growing-over-5-this-year.html
Brazilian Egg Becomes a Brand to Lure France, Japan and Chinahttp://www.brazzilmag.com/component/content/article/81-january-2010/11738-brazilian-egg-becomes-a-brand-to-lure-france-japan-and-china.html
New Braskem: a Brazilian Petrochemical Giant Is Bornhttp://www.brazzilmag.com/component/content/article/81-january-2010/11743-new-braskem-a-brazilian-petrochemical-giant-is-born.html
After Reaching 146 Countries Brazil Now Wants to Export Shoes to Chinahttp://www.brazzilmag.com/component/content/article/81-january-2010/11744-after-reaching-146-countries-brazil-now-wants-to-export-shoes-to-china.html
The Brazil Nut Industry: Past, Present and Futurehttp://www.nybg.org/bsci/braznut/ Industry
Brazil - average, growth, annual, sectorhttp://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Americas/Brazil-INDUSTRY.html
Brazil's Rising Agricultural Productivity and World Competitivenesshttp://ideas.repec.org/p/ags/aaea09/49317.html Automotive industry in Brazil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive_industry_in_Brazil
bin_forgottin: alghazali31: cecil rhodes was a liberal imperialist......Hahahahaha!
rebuttal:its well established cecil rhodes and milners kindergarden including their revered idol john ruskin were liberal,and imperialist minded set out to expand the brittsh empire..cecil was a fabian and freemason..lets see what fabian is
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabian_Society The Fabian Society additionally advocated renewal of Western European Renaissance ideas, and their promulgation throughout the rest of the world. The Fellowship of the New Life was dissolved in 1898[2], but the Fabian Society grew to become the preeminent academic society in the United Kingdom in the Edwardian era, typified by the members of its vanguard Coefficients club.Immediately upon its inception, the Fabian Society began attracting many prominent contemporary figures drawn to its socialist cause, including George Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, Annie Besant, Graham Wallas, Hubert Bland, Edith Nesbit, Sydney Olivier, Oliver Lodge, Leonard Woolf and Virginia Woolf, Ramsay MacDonald and Emmeline Pankhurst. http://american_almanac.tripod.com/newdark.htm
http://watch.pair.com/cnp2.html#rhodes The Coefficients included several men who also belonged to the inner circle of the Rhodes' Round Table groups that were under the direction of Alfred Milner. Sir Edward Grey, Haldane, L.S. Amery, Lord Robert Cecil, Lord Arthur Balfour, Michael Sadler and Lord Milner himself were among the Fabian Coefficients:
"The Coefficients Club was organized by Beatrice Webb, the co-ruler of the Fabian Society with her husband Sidney, to bring together the most powerful movers and shakers of the British Establishment with social critics and idealists to discuss and chart the future of British Empire and its relationship to social reform. Among other things, the accounts of its deliberations offered by such luminaries as Bertrand Russell and H. G. Wells prove beyond any doubt that Fabian Socialism, contrary to surface impressions that it was the enemy of the British Oligarchy, was one of the Oligarchy's most prized instruments for world rule.
On domestic politics within the United Kingdom, Rhodes was a supporter of the Liberal Party. Rhodes' only major impact on domestic politics within the United Kingdom was his support of the Irish nationalist party, led by Charles Stewart Parnell (1846–1891http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Cecil_John_Rhodes
Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment-http://files.meetup.com/196633/CAROL%20QUIGLEY.pdf
This society has been known at various times as Milner's Kindergarten, as the
Round Table Group, as the Rhodes crowd, as The Times crowd, as the All Souls
group, and as the Cliveden set.
The idea of a secret international group of propagandists for federal imperialism {today called "World Federalism"} was by no means new to Milner when he became Rhodes Trustee in 1901, since he had been brought into Rhodes's secret society as the sixth member in 1891. This was done by his old superior, W. T. Stead. Stead, as we have indicated, was the chief Rhodes confidant in England and very close to Milner. Although Stead did not meet Rhodes until 1889, Rhodes regarded himself as a disciple of Stead's much earlier and eagerly embraced the idea of imperial federation based on Home Rule
bin_forgottin: Imperialists are not liberals
political_buddha: nonopatucio: Arizona has 2.5 times the crime that New York does....90% of Phoenix Arrest Warrants for Murder are issued to Illegal Aliens....Arizona had to do
rebuttal:i looked for official stats on this did not see it however i find it on a minuteman blog lol...
political_buddha: More evidence Chavez is not who they claim.....As others fled Venezuela, Stanford International saw a golden opportunity.......political_buddha: .......http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/19/business/worldbusiness/19iht-invest.4.20315335.html
rebuttal:notice he altered the title so as to give impression chavez was behind the bank..however had he read the article,veenzuela authorities investigated bank,raided bank,and seized bank and covered some deposits..ona private bank with ties to cia wich was a bank for upper class opposition venzuelans..venezuela did what us and uk did they all seized it,wich provces chavez is excatly what he claims,someone who will go after crooked banks...his own article supports it look...
(In Britain, the Serious Fraud Office said it was monitoring a possible link to the case after reports that Stanford's books were audited by a British firm.
The whereabouts of Stanford himself remain unknown. U.S. agents raided Stanford Group offices in Miami, Houston and other cities this week.)( In late October, agents with the Military Intelligence Directorate carried out a raid on Stanford's headquarters in Caracas.In statements to state television, government officials said the raid was related to suspicions of espionage by three Stanford employees.They also claimed to be searching for information on offshore accounts held by Manuel Rosales, a prominent opposition politician who ran against Chávez for the presidency in 2006. Rosales is currently the mayor of Maracaibo, the second-largest city in Venezuela."They were seeking information on some former employees of the bank who were under investigation in an espionage case here in Venezuela," said Hernández, the Stanford spokeswoman. "The case did not advance.")also see...Venezuela seizes Allen Stanford-owned bank http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/4698222/Venezuela-seizes-Allen-Stanford-owned-bank.html Another boomerang stuns the Venezuelan bourgeoisie http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_59933.shtml The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has clamped down on “naked short selling” of debt as has Germany. Venezuela is simply protecting itself, as developed countries are doing, against unbridled speculation which can cause countries to default on their obligations. Let the international and local media criticize Venezuela’s measures. Constitutionally Chávez is obliged to protect the population against such machinations and if that means closing down the stock broking fraternity and the Caracas Stock Exchange itself, so be it.
Venezuelan Government Requests Extradition of Banker Eligio Cedeño http://venezuela-us.org/2010/04/22/venezuelan-government-requests-extradition-of-banker-eligio-cedeno/ The banker stands indicted in Venezuela and is wanted for allegedly stealing funds from account holders, fraudulently obtaining U.S. dollars from Venezuela’s foreign currency administrative agency and aggravated contraband. The charges against him are contained in Article 432 or the General Law on Banks and Other Financial Institutions, Article 7 of the Law on Foreign Exchange, Articles 104 and 105 of the Organic Law on Customs, and Article 84 of the Venezuelan Penal Code.
VENEZUELA: Disgraced Bolivarian bankers and accomplices to face trial http://www.pr-inside.com/venezuela-disgraced-bolivarian-bankers-r1822279.htm
Venezuelan lawmakers approve financial regulation law in first-round vote http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-03-16/venezuela-approves-financial-regulation-law-in-first-round-vote.html
contrary to bin rotten aka political dumbo..chavez is what he claims to be..next!!!
political_buddha: Read this if you want to understand why Venezuela has a 30% inflation rate and why their economy is in trouble...from a venezuelan who knows...http://devilsexcrement.com/
rebuttal:first of all the owner of site thedevilsexcrement is not venezuelan,not in venezuela,but rather aleksander boyd,whos is actually in lodon uk,who is pro israel,ran vcrisis website,and studied in queens college london..here sa few of his parroting lies and exposing himself...(Lunatic fringe advocate of violence against Chávez government claims to be victim of defamation http://lanr.blogspot.com/2006/06/lunatic-fringe-advocate-of-violence.html )Aleksander Boyd, a virulently anti-Chávez Venezuelan who resides in London and edits the website V Crisis, has recently launched a defamation suit against London Mayor Ken Livingstone. While Boyd claims that Livingstone defamed him by accusing him of being "a supporter of terrorism against Venezuelan democracy," Some of Boyd's statements verge on the diabolical. In one rather bizarre article, dated March 18, 2004, Boyd expresses his wish that he were Genghis Khan and that he could order his "hordes" to capture prominent Venezuelan political and judicial officials and "pour melted silver into their eyes." "I wish I could decapitate in public plazas [the pro-Chávez political activist] Lina Ron and [the pro-Chávez politician] Diosdado Cabello," Boyd states. "I wish I could torture for the rest of his remaining existence Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel," Boyd continues. "I wish I could fly over Caracas slums throwing the dead bodies of the criminals that have destroyed my country," Boyd goes on. To top off this outlandishly sadistic fantasy, Boyd indignantly proclaims, "with mentally unstable people one can not engage in dialogue."Editor's Update: "Chavez opponent withdraws legal case against London mayor"] http://www.london.gov.uk/view_press_release.jsp?releaseid=8568
1 March 2010: Spain's High Court Reveals ETA, FARC, Chavez Connection http://www.vcrisis.com/index.php?content=pr/201003011451 <>The Accusation that Links Chávez with ETA and the FARC is Fraudulent http://venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/5172 Why all this media manipulation being directed against Hugo Chavez? http://vheadlines.org/readnews.asp?id=89025 Any Spaniard knows that under an agreement signed in 1989 by Felipe Gonzalez for the Spanish Government and then Venezuelan President Carlos Andres Perez, Venezuela accepted several alleged ETA members into political exile. Perez' political organization, the conservative Accion Democratica, is today a major participant in Venezuela'd political opposition in cahoots with Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol ... currently in the Spanish Government. The agreement stated that any of those deported to Venezuela were not to be extradited, if according to the two countries laws their alleged crimes were subject to the Statute of Limitations ... which they are!
''The systematic violations of civil, political and human rights under Hugo Chavez's tenure, have also been amply documented by reputed human rights NGOs, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International'' rebuttal:Human Rights Watch in Venezuela: Lies, Crimes and Cover-upshttp://lahaine.org/petras/articulo.php?p=1755&more=1&c=1 Human Rights Watch, a US-based group claiming to be a non-governmental organization, but which is in fact funded by government-linked quasi-private foundations and a Congressional funded political propaganda organization, the National Endowment for Democracy, has issued a report “A Decade Under Chavez: Political Intolerance and Lost Opportunities for Advancing Human Rights in Venezuela” (9/21/2008 hrw.org).
118 scholars from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, México, the United States, the U.K., Venezuela, and other countries publicly criticized HRW for a perceived bias against the government of Venezuela. The open letter criticized the report by stating that it "does not meet even the most minimal standards of scholarship, impartiality, accuracy, or credibility.rebuttal:hrw no credibility heres why not..Hoge Named Human Rights Watch Chairman http://www.officialwire.com/main.php?action=posted_news&rid=81318&catid=38 Human Rights Watch said Sunday it picked Foreign Affairs magazine editor James F. Hoge Jr. to be the fourth chairman in the group's 32-year history. Since 1922, the Council on Foreign Relations has published Foreign Affairs, "America's most influential publication on international affairs and foreign policyhttp://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Foreign_Affairs
''Here the latest indictment against Venezuela issued by Inter American Commission of Human Rights, http://www.vcrisis.com/ '' <<>>Interamerican Court of Human Rights caught conspiring against justice and Venezuela http://www.axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_58983.shtml
The HRW report was thoroughly debunked by Gregory Wilpert. See his debate with HRW here: http://venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/3882. The bulk of the IACHR report recycles the same criticism made by HRW. Those who seek a very detailed rebuttal of the IACHR should refer to Wilpert’s debate with HRW.
IACHR Rehashes Debunked Claims about Venezuela http://www.zcommunications.org/iachr-rehashes-debunked-claims-about-venezuela-by-joe-emersberger
''Eva Golinger gets $3.2 million from Chavez regime http://alekboyd.blogspot.com/2010/02/eva-golinger-gets-32-million-from.html '' <translation>The National Assembly approved east Wednesday an additional credit to the Ministry of the Popular Power for the Communication and Information by the order of the 13.9 million bolivars, amount that will be transferred to the Foundation Mail of the Orinoco to increase tiraje of the newspaper and the reach of its distribution.
(the national assembly...of course alek shill elave sout part where veenzuela like us has separations of powers thru branches..and anotehr part he leaves out,is fact that every government,and most do,can allocate funds to any group of their own abroad who promotes better media communications,relations...perfectly legal and normal...meanwhile he elaves part whre us is sending millions to veenzuela,not their own people but opposition venezuelans,wich already took part in first coup...alek boyd is someone who supported the 2002 coup
political_buddha: Since Hugo Chávez was elected president in 1998, the homicide rate has gone from 63 to 130 murders per every 100,000 inhabitants. It's one of the world's worst Will Narco Venezuela's murder rate hurt Chávez?... http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Americas/2008/1203/p06s01-woam.html
rebuttal:big problem with this argument..first of all the reason why crimes have skyrocketted is because of us and un imposed drug policies,not because of a president...take colombia for exmaple has same amount of homicides as venezuela or brazil for instance it has 40-50 thousand homocides a year..ive lived ina favela ,and the reason why it cant be combatted that way is simple and ,because to eradicate this sort of crime it would take literally army raids wich would jeapordize and kill too many civilians wich make up majority of shantytowns where crimes occur..brazil has probably the biggets wars of this kind..it like region is now seeking to abandon us un imposed drrug policeis because it has actually acomplished the exact oppositite of stated goals,same way its also failed here in us..prison populations skyrocket,misuse of resources,and it actually makes criminal narco gangs more motivated and wealthy..the concensus in region over last few years has been to actually abandon those policies imposed and reform and decriminalize possession..TNI/WOLA Drug Law Reform Project http://www.tni.org/page/tniwola-drug-law-reform-project Argentina and Mexico clash with the INCB, Italy with Europe http://www.tni.org/article/argentina-and-mexico-clash-incb-italy-europe UN’s International Narcotics Control Board’s Annual Report oversteps mandate and interferes with countries’ sovereignty http://www.tni.org/pressrelease/un’s-international-narcotics-control-board’s-annual-report-oversteps-mandate-and-interf Prohibition, a backwards step http://www.tni.org/briefing/prohibition-backwards-step http://www.tni.org/article/drug-law-reform-ecuador http://www.tni.org/article/drug-law-reform-ecuador http://www.tni.org/article/drug-law-reform-chile http://www.tni.org/article/drug-law-reform-bolivia http://www.tni.org/article/drug-law-reform-brazil http://www.tni.org/article/drug-law-reform-publications
also anotehr part that is not mentioned is fact that many of the police forces are corrupt and legacies left over by rightwing fascist governments wich were brougth into power by us government during operation condor since 60'still 80's in fact many police forces and military were trained by school of americas...Counterterror Wars and Human Rights: From Operation Condor https://nacla.org/node/6220 http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Herman%20/Condor_Herman.html even today they are training police look at honduras ¡Presente! - U.S. continues to train Honduran soldiers http://www.soaw.org/presente/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=225&Itemid=74
VIDEO-RT-Honduran human rights atrocities overlooked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAqt_EOe_Jk&feature=player_embedded
U.S. to Train State and Municipal Police in Mexico http://laht.com/article.asp?ArticleId=355686&CategoryId=14091 war on drugs http://thenakedfacts.blogspot.com/search/label/war%20on%20drugs also see 1000 plus officers fired and many arested for corruption aporrea.org - Mil funcionarios adscritos a la Policía
political_buddha: ß Congressman Wilmer Azuaje talks to a group of peasants in Barinas, telling them the Chavez family has been illegally obtaining farmland that should instead by in 2002 coup,thu us aid,ned...
political_buddha: their hands, that is, the peasantry… http://gallery.pictopia.com/wpost/photo/xt-mt-25-title_12001146/\
rebuttal;whata silly claim..first of all this is an opposition mayor ina n opposition state..secondly,chavez has handed over over 150 thousand land titles to peasents in venezuela,not to mention,thousands and thousands of homes,subsidized by the government...VENEZUELA: The poor reclaim their land http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/33321 Land Reform in Venezuela http://www.rethinkvenezuela.com/downloads/Land%20Reform%20in%20Venezuela.htm Land Reforms in Venezuela - LAND REFORM IN VENEZUELA http://www.cpim.org/marxist/200602_land%20reform%20in%20venezuela.doc Delivery 4 thousand homes built under the Iran-Venezuela Agreementhttp://www.vtv.gob.ve/noticias-económicas/26635 Sujatha FernandesSocial Policy in Chávez’s VenezuelaA Radical Alternative or More of the Same?http://www.drclas.harvard.edu/revista/articles/view/1101 In addition to educational and health programs, Chávez encouraged barrio residents to create a range of committees and cooperative organizations. In a 2002 executive decree, Chávez established the basis for Urban Land Committees, in order to redistribute and formalize land deeds. Since most dwellings in the barrios were constructed through a process of massive squatting as people moved to urban centers from the countryside, few home owners possessed deeds or titles to their land. In March 2005, there were more than 4,000 Urban Land Committees in the urban capitals of Venezuela, which had distributed about 170,000 property titles.
Mission Habitathttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_Habitat
Mision Hábitat ("Mission Habitat") is a Venezuelan Bolivarian Mission that has as its goal the construction of thousands of new housing units for the poor. The program also seeks to develop agreeable and integrated housing zones that make available a full range of social services — from education to healthcare — which likens its vision to that of New Urbanism.
political_buddha: Caracas-based polling company Datanalisis, 80 percent of respondents report being unsatisfied with how the president has handled crime
rebuttal:yes they worry about crime but as i have shown this is not chavez creation but rather a legacy and corruption thanks to us and its imposed drug policies and as i showed above more thea thousand have been fired new recruits come otehrs are corrupt in line with shanty towns gangs wich are only around and able to grow in strength ebcause of the failed prohibition model...however keep in mind theres alos colombian death squads pouring bodies on veenzuelas side...
Colombian 'paramilitaries dump murder victims' bodies in Venezuela'http://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/9275-paramilitaries-dump-murder-victims-in-venezuela.html also many criminal gangs in venezuela get their drugs from colombias narco cartels operation on both sides wich veenzuela continues to arrest..Venezuela arrests Colombian Councilor on drug charges http://www.laht.com/article.asp?ArticleId=357155&CategoryId=10717 Venezuelan Police Catch Colombian Officer With Drugs http://www.insidecostarica.com/dailynews/2010/may/20/latinamerica10052002.htm Venezuela arrest Colombia and seizes 200 kilos http://www.telesurtv.net/noticias/secciones/nota/71955-NN/decomisan-200-kilos-de-cocaina-y-detienen-a-un-colombiano-en-venezuela/
political_buddha: Lawmakers investigate Chavez brothers….http://www.usatoday.com/news/topstories/2008-03-26-1885161959_x.htm
political_buddha: Venezuela Arrests Former State Governor Oswaldo Álvarez Paz For Critizism(He said Venezuela had become a NARCO STATE
political_buddha: http://www.thegovmonitor.com/civil_society_and_democratic_renewal/governance/venezuela
rebuttal:wrong he was arrested for one lying and violating venezuelas laws see...conatel laws http://www.conatel.gob.ve/responsabilidad_social.asp Oswaldo Alvarez Paz freed pending criminal trial http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=91856 so first and foremost the claims made by the opposition politician broke laws for wich he needs to answer in court,no biggie,not for freedom of speech,but violation of laws,wich in reality such claims wich are unfounded can make washington place it on terrorist watch list then apply sanctions.wich is actually an act of treason and sabotage against venezuelan economy,both of wich he isnt but in my opinion should also be charged with....two the claims are unfounded..veenzuela is not anarco stat it has zero coca cultivation and zero coca production,also veenzuelas anti drug efforts are the regions best according to united nations and otehr independent reports see...Venezuela: Holding the Line against Drug Trafficking http://www.coha.org/venezuela-holding-the-line-against-drug-trafficking/ 2008 World Drug Report, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. http://www.unodc.org/documents/wdr/WDR_2008/SEIZURE_Tables.pdf Drug Policy Alliance Network http://www.drugpolicy.org/global/drugpolicyby/latinamerica/ ONA: Venezuela is one of the countries with the biggest number of cocaine seizures,” September 3, 2008,
http://www.embavenez-us.org/news.php?nid=4473 Venezuela: Evaluation of Progress in Drug Control 2005-2006 http://www.cicad.oas.org/MEM/ENG/Reports/Fourth%20Round%20Full/Venezuela%20-%20Fourth%20Round%20-%20ENG.pdf INTERPOL lauds Venezuelan capture of suspected
Colombian drug lord and accomplice,” September 8,2008, http://www.interpol.int/Public/ICPO/PressReleases/PR2008/PR200845.asp Corrupt Data Taking on the claim that Chávez is on the take http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=3431
so now since he broke and violated law he must answer in court...mayb in us where laws are not enforced ppl can get away with such lies..but veenzuela is anation of laws..and enforcement,and contrary to popular belief,chavez doesnt run government there are seperations of power and as oswoldo makes perfectly clear opposition is well entrenched and sabotaging nation and people..nextttt political dumbo crushed yet again dont expect him to recant his zionazi msm propaganda...next
political_buddha: Government Denies Chavez's Brother Had Role in Killing… http://www.laht.com/article.asp?ArticleId=328142&CategoryId=10717
rebuttal:ridicullous allegation, for one that adnan claimed he was going to assasinate dissenters,he is an eleced official and the claim is he issued thes ethreats over television,ive looked not one shred of evidnece ,he was critical of the other politician,bbut nothing there..plus the witnesses themselves say ''The lawmaker cited a witness as saying that a man got out of a green car driven by another person, approached Carlos Azuaje's vehicle and fired three times at him, one of the bullets striking him in the head.'' ...ridicullous no evidence adnan had any tie to the murder...btw keep in mind the brotehr of deceased hasnt produced the television segment confirming the claim chavez brotehr threatened to kill him,wich wouldnt be difficult for an opposition politician..duhh...political dumbo again pushing fluff...next
political_buddha: Venezuela even recruits in US Universities for Propagandists...Just like the CIA...Hint...Hint
rebuttal:where?show me a list of men or woemn where venezuelan gov sent ppl to recruit men or women from us universties..show me where?is ee zero evidence of this...this idiot is pathetic...its not impossible to assume that maybe a few in a sea of those wich actually are hired by cia to attack and demonize venezuela,might come out of college and show support for the progressive nations,but even that doenst show evidence of his initial claim veenzula is going to us universities to hire ppl like cia...next
political_buddha: ZZ....Chavez is a puppet for the CIA and or Soros and Company
rebuttal:CIA Documents Show Bush Knew of 2002 Coup in Venezuela http://www.democracynow.org/2004/11/29/cia_documents_show_bush_knew_of Chavez: CIA Behind Coup in Honduras http://www.juventudrebelde.co.cu/international/2009-06-28/chavez-cia-behind-coup-in-honduras/ NED [National Endowment for Democracy] Targets Venezuela http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/South_America/NED_Targets_Venezuela.html Former CIA agent tells: How US infiltrates `civil society' the NED, AID and the CIA http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4332.htm the CIA and NGOs, many aligned with George Soros's Open Society Institute and the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=17072 El Open Society Institute trabaja en conjunto con la NED,http://www.centrodealerta.org/o.html
again refuted open society institute is working with ned dai cia in veenzuela funding oppositiona nd has ben exposed by chavez gollinger..again debunked refuted...political dumbo again wont recant his claims because hes a repuke propagandist
political_buddha: The fact that Chavez was using the Crooked NWO Computerized Voting Machines at the same time the USA started using them is more Evidence Chavez is NWO.
rebuttal:actually the machiens were only placed after claims that without them there would be no way to tell according to oas...mind u veenzuela had over 10 ellections including referendum elections without them and they were all monitered even by opposition and certified,however when opposition did claim there was foul play later he caved into OAS pressure and installed them,then he still won..so over 10 lllection without then he won and after OAS pressure to install wich they calim would stop the opposition screams confirmed it...and there were monitors from everywhere un international national opposition...The Repeatedly Re-Elected Autocrat http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=3009
political_buddha: Then there is the financing of Mark Weisbrot who is a Huge Huge American based Chavez Backer….Wiesbrot is NWO financed through CEPR. http://www.cepr.net/index.php/funders/
rebuttal:first of all this is a wash based economic center institute coiurse its funds come form foundations including ford...but heres problem with bins claim,the prob is this is a socio economics study on venezuelas ecobnomy over last 10 years...and it went to all the pertinent places,central bank of veenzuela and national labor stats etc..where else could it have gone to get it?china???ukraine?russia?spain?no course not it had to ge the indicators from the pertinant and relevance sources wich it did.also its referenced at bottom of report and study theres sources.funny how when bin criticizes veenzuelas economy he uses wall street,blooomberg,reuters and other pro corporate new world order mouthpieces to demonize venezuelas social indicators,but whena center does a serious study with all the pertinent and relevant stats from the nation in question he doenst take it into account he just questions the centers funding..problem with that is this..is that venezuelas social indicators study by this center are fully confirmed by united nations wich monitors social economic develpopment in region wich also uses the same stats and relevant authorities tob determine its progress..and guess what?un millineum goals confirm the study 100% in fact venezuela has already met its millineum goals!!!here is the study and wtach the pertinent and relevant sources to determine the social indicators...Report Examines Economy and Social Indicators During the Chávez Decade in Venezuela http://www.cepr.net/documents/publications/venezuela-2009-02.pdf references http://view.samurajdata.se/psview.php?id=0ece7310&page=24&size=full
now notice these are all confirmed by un and its un millineum goals>>Human Development Report 2009 http://hdrstats.undp.org/en/countries/data_sheets/cty_ds_VEN.html so now we know doesnt matter if it was queen elizabeth ,nat rothschild mao,stalin,bush sr or anyone who made these claims,fact is they check out and are confirmed..now ive explained this to the political dumbo..but he enjoys looking like a jackass disinformation promoting retard!!!! can you say next!!!!!!
political_buddha: "Venezuela is the second most dangerous place in the world to have an active role in a union after Colombia," says Lorenzo Labrique, a Belgian expert in labour
rebuttal:first of all the number of trade unions had trippled since he came into power,and majority of big business's are in hands of opposition,so of course its dangerous for some union leaders,look at colombia the worls acapital of assasinated union trade leaders,where the majority of big business's are actually in bed with the president and the right...the foreign corporations and megabusiness's are well established to be behind these murders...see the difference..mind u that bin himself claimed in colombia uribe ended the violence there by citing a pro corporate investment magazine called international speculator..and gold speculator site..see...Casey's International Speculator For many investors, Colombia remains ... The critical factor is that there is huge support for President Alvaro Uribe, whom Colombian of all political stripes credit with ending the violence http://www.gold-speculator.com/casey-research/23505-colombia-new-gold-rush.html >thats bin's sources lol see>>>>bin_forgottin: The critical factor is that there is huge support for President Alvaro Uribe, whom Colombians of all political stripes credit with ending the violence '' >40 trade unionists murdered in 2009: CUT http://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/8053-40-trade-unionists-murdered-in-2009.html Since CUT was founded in 1986, they have recorded 2,721 murders of trade unionists, 573 of which occured since August 2002 when Colombian President Alvaro Uribe was elected."More than a statistic, this is a movement of trade unionist genocide,"
Colombian Trade Unionists Win SOLIDAR Award for Struggle for Human Rights http://www.solidar.org/Page_Generale.asp?DocID=13955&thebloc=23686 Colombia is the most dangerous country in the world to be a trade unionist. In 2008, 49 trade unionists were murdered, a 25% increase from the year before. This escalation in violence directly contradicts the claims of the Uribe regime that the situation is improving.
now for unions in venezuela its much different the situation,th dangers against union eladers are by the opposition to chavez,thats why he goes after them,but political dumbo of course is an inbred hick in a farm town in midwest usa and he has no knowledge of the realities on ground as i have just shown..however heres soemthing to see look.. Report to UNISON( We are Britain's biggest public sector trade union with more than 1.3 million members.)on Solidarity Delegation to Venezuela http://xr.com/adhf
The delegation was organised by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign (VSC, formerly VIC) and included delegates from UNISON, Unite, PCS, TSSA, NUS and a number of VSC members. The programme, from 15 – 22 August, included visits to misiones in the barrios, factories in the Barlovento region, a community television station and El Sistema; and meetings with ministers,officials and trade union representatives. We learnt a lot about the revolution in Venezuela and
got some feel for life in Caracas. On this basis we want to make these main points:
1. Venezuela has a government which is implementing the kind of policies which UNISON supports. If we had this kind of government in Britain, we would be pleased. It deserves our support.2. The Venezuelan government is socialist and describes the process going on in Venezuela as a revolution. As well as its numerous ‘misiones’ which are strikingly successful at reducing poverty, it is building grassroots democracy through community councils; and extending public control over key sections of industry and commerce
political_buddha: Venezuelan Economy Contracted 3.3% In 2009http://www.silobreaker.com/venezuelan-economy-contracted-33-in-2009-5_2263277122720104477
The Devil's Excrement
Socialism maintains itself, with great efforts, in China, where it could endhttp://devilsexcrement.com/
rbs now expects venezuela’s economy to shrink 4.5 percent in 2010 rather than 3 percent....http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?sid=a5rytiqgnbba&pid=20601087
political_buddha: I would love to have NY call my home...It would give me reason to send someone to meet him up close and personal
political_buddha: Re Afghan:.....Geological Anomalies Are Like Opinions: Everybody Has One...http://www.theaureport.com/pub/na/6582
Louis James, Senior Editor of Casey Research, gives us his perspective in a two-part interview. In Part I, he talked about how far gold could go in a bull market and pointed out some interesting companies to watch.
Louis James on Interesting Gold Companies http://seekingalpha.com/article/59059-louis-james-on-interesting-gold-companies
Louis James, Senior Editor of Casey Research, gives us his perspective in a two-part interview. In Part I, he talked about how far gold could go in a bull market and pointed out some interesting companies to watch. Here, in Part II, Louis talks about five more gold and silver companies he likes and why.
The San Jose project is a new mine, so I would like to see financial stability there, but with Hochschild as a partner —they are very experienced—I don’t really anticipate trouble with the financials. Great blue sky, in Santa Cruz province, one of the better mine jurisdictions in the world—so all of that is good.
In the case of Minera Andes, you’ve got a great high-grade, gold/silver story to nail down the value in the company, and on top of that you have Los Azules, which is one of these big, bulk projects. Will it be economic? That’s speculative at this point. But it does appear to be huge, which means that it could potentially add value very quickly. If it is as big as the company thinks it is, it could have 10 billion pounds of copper or maybe more. And top of that, the company just did a new deal with Xstrada, its partner in the project. If the project turns out to be medium to large, Minera Andes gets all of it. If it turns out to be a super-big project, then Minera Andes gets a major partner with lots of experience, deep pockets, and lots of resources. Either way, it’s a great deal.
rebuttal:notice how the author is endorsing and promoting investments,into mining corporations with a criminal record and directly responsible for poisoning enviroment and destroying communities....
see...CorpWatch : AUSTRALIA: Mt Isa Lead Risk For Children http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=13762 CorpWatch : Xstrata http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=15297 CHILE: Native Community in Desert Oasis Threatened by Mines http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=15213
] The tragedy of development: disputes over natural resources in Argentina http://socialsciences.scielo.org/pdf/s_rsoc/v3nse/scs_a02.pdf
Norma Giarracca
Professor and researcher at the Gino Germani Institute [Instituto Gino Germani]. Coordinates the
Latin American Rural Studies and Social Movements Group [Grupo de Estudios Rurales y de
Movimientos Sociales en América Latina]. University of Buenos Aires
“Ten years ago, I welcomed La Alumbrera as a sign of
advancement. All of us were happy with this company. But it proved to be my worst mistake. The
whole thing was a lie. Far from providing job opportunities, they brought along more poverty and
polluted everything. They are literally killing us”. (Andalgalá, Catamarca, 12/21/05).
In this small town located in Northwestern Argentina, the confrontation involves two parties; on the
one hand the gold mining companies Swiss Xstrata, Canadian Goldcorp and Northern Orion, and, on
the other, an assembly composed of pensioners, teachers, professionals, and housewives who spend
their leisure time learning formulas or surveying the Internet for experiences similar to theirs, in a
relentless effort to reject this mining undertaking.
Problems of Xstrata Copper mining in the world http://www.defensadelcobre.cl/?q=node/222
* The Federal Chamber of Tucuman, Argentina, this year indicted the vice president of the company Bajo La Alumbrera (Xstrata) Julián Patricio Rooney, for allegedly criminally responsible for the crime of pollution dangerous to health, making him the first senior manager a great company to be prosecuted for this cause. The penalty will be given three to ten years in prison. It is also an embargo.
* Crimes of Xstrata's Alumbrera, add in a case brought in 1998, labeled "Juan González s / complaint" and the Federal Chamber ruled in favor of processing allows the incorporation of all cases of fraud related to environmental company, that is, orders to investigate any contamination to be passed on to La Alumbrera.
* The file with the complaints of the inhabitants of Andalgalá, Argentina, is a document that proves they faced an exodus of residents near the mine of La Alumbrera, which realizes the documentary "prey on Illusion."
* In Under Alumbrera mining vastly reported and located in Catamarca, there was another spill at mineraloducto which moves the material extracted from the ore, which has become the territory of that area near Andalgalá in a kind of giant crater two miles in diameter and 600 feet deep, produced a mountain with dynamite and earth to extract gold.
Within a month, is used there the same amount of dynamite in all of Argentina in a year. The material is moved to a dock tail, where the acids separate the metal that serves as useless.
For every ton of earth ground is obtained, thanks to acids, six grams of gold and six kilos of copper. 340 tons are removed daily.
The rest goes to mineraloducto that travels 310 miles, and whose losses and spills affecting three provinces.
The tailings dam itself was built over a geological fault that causes permanent strokes, and forced to build a so-called "station retrobombeo" technologically impressive name that indicates a kind of vacuum with which they try to recover the leaks occurred.
* The mineraloducto (such as the El Morro project will, in the same Xstrata) is broken along its 316 km from Catamarca and Tucumán ... Several have been the times when this mineraloducto is broken, as in August 2007 when, from the same company Alumbrera reported a flaw in the carrying mineraloducto concentrate contaminants. The spill of the concentrate had been verified in the mountainous area of the Summit of Santa Ana, on the border of Catamarca and Tucumán. He also hastened to point out that large numbers of workers working in clean area of the spill remains ...
* In July 2007, residents of Andalgalá reported back to the mining Bajo La Alumbrera for polluting the River Villa Vil and not follow the order of the Judge of Mines of the Province of withdrawing from the riverbed mineraloducto mentioned.
* Eight years they waited for the residents of Concepcion, by order of the provincial Environment Ministry, staff of Minera Alumbrera extrajese concentrate buried near Villa Lola dam in Alpachiri, 14 kilometers from Concepción, Catamarca (Argentina ) These are remnants of the material being transported through the company mineraloducto buried at the site after a spill occurred, apparently in 1999.
* In September 2004, residents of Villa Vil, in Andalgalá (Argentina) filed a complaint against the mining company Bajo La Alumbrera for "wrongful dissemination of hazardous waste" by the spill of gold and copper concentrate which damaged the mineraloducto of going from the mine to Tucumán. The company had to cut the supply of drinking water and irrigation as a precaution. In some parts, the layers were up to 15 inches of hazardous material ...
* In June 2006, residents of Andalgalá, Catamarca, Argentina reported a new toxic spill Minera Bajo La Alumbrera. Upon arrival they found hundreds of employees in the mining, collecting the concentrate poured into bags and loaded into trucks.
As neighbors watched, the spill flowed for more than 1,000 meters above the riverbed. The provincial police arrived at the scene by a complaint made by the mining company that said the neighbors had done a "sting" that prevented them from working ...
* In the same June 2006, less than 24 hours before stroke, there was another, Andalgalá, Catamarca, Argentina, almost in the same place where it broke before, Villa Vil ... The concentrate was reaching the filters that have the inhabitants of Villa Vil to raise water for human consumption, so that the new break was extremely serious and the authorities have been so responsible for this company to continue working.
* In December 2006, confirmed that the concentration of the spill under the Alumbrera mine in the town of Ampujaco, Andalgalá Argentina, spread 3 km on the mining company did not RIO.L información.A neighbors were left another to say: "Like all spills caused by Alumbrera are reported by neighbors, locals and now a delegate from the town of Ampujaco, but never Mining Police, government and mining the very least, so is seen that people have to go out and defend themselves and how can these environmental disasters and destruction. "
* A network of NGOs called "Public Eye on Davos," which purports to exercise an oversight on the World Economic Forum announced the 2007 miner Xstrata was a finalist for the Australian mine McArthur River zinc and lead, controlling and will be underground to be open "in order to achieve the greatest benefit" and that this will proceed to the transfer of a river, which will hurt the local Aboriginal people.
* Likewise the people of Aconquija, Argentina, cut the route to prevent teams from La Alumbrera build the pools, some of their own homes, where the company intended to collect the lost copper concentrate ore pipeline ruptured in each. To the people worried about the chemical soup and heavy metals spilled from the pipeline and the company recover copper, gold, silver and other metals contained in the concentrate.
* In 2006, a judge ordered Minera Alumbrera Mine in 120 days should remove the mineraloducto of riverbeds. A half of this year, with no response to this sanction to Xstrata, the Andalgalá Neighbors, asked the council members acting Andalgalá immediately. This is like saying: "Many people in our country think that there can be mining with controls, and we from Andalgalá nearly eleven years of bad experience with mining Bajo La Alumbrera, we affirm that mining open cast metal is uncontrollable, there any way of controlling such a destructive power with these multinational companies to pollute, destroy and loot our natural resources. "
* The special train carrying the mining of metals to the port of San Lorenzo, Rosario, has been derailed several times with the usual mobilization of the people concerned about the damages caused.
* Other Catamarca populations, such as Tinogasta, cut the road to prevent trucks from La Alumbrera that come from Chile access to the plant with its cargo of explosives, among other inputs for mining. While an investigation is required to transport the content to return to Antofagasta, Chile on the Pacific, where the company has concentrated deposits of copper, next to the Altonorte smelter.
* Xstrata in Australia: The weight of lead
At the beginning of 2008 was reported to be responsible for lead contamination in the blood of 45 children from the town of Mount Isa, in northwest Australia. A Health Department report of this state showed high levels of lead in blood of children, which has caused serious problems in the intellectual, cognitive and learning. The mining has contaminated rivers and lands of the place. Xstrata mines in Mount Isa has a special exemption in the implementation of environmental legislation were granted more than 20 years and the current state government is about to remove.
* In January 2008, had serious problems with the aquifer El Arenal (where La Alumbrera is supplied con100 million liters per day) and had been informed that the locations in this area were to date almost no water and the fields are almost deserts.
* On the radio has reported that of Catamarca, Argentina, tourists go looking for other places more comfortable because the air conditioners do not work and there is less water for bathing and for pools.
* According to data provided by Minera La Alumbrera itself in its brochures and propaganda, are the single largest customer of electric power in 2003 was 1583.8 GWh in the year. This means that this mine is 80.2% of the total consumed by all Tucumán.
In Peru, makes his own: the Supervisory Body for Investment in Energy and Mining (Osinergmin) enacted last June to Xstrata Tintaya a fine of 175 000 new soles, for committing a serious violation is defined in Regulation Environmental Activities Mineral Exploration in the work done in the project Las Bambas in Apurimac. The mining company failed to comply with proper installation and operation of machinery and processes within the drilling rig to ensure protection of environmental conditions and prevent developments that might affect them. In addition, the drilling that led to the leakage of sludge additives were used other than those listed in the Environmental Assessment of the project.
Metallica Resources: the other owner of the El Morro project:
* December 2007, the 49th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was cited as an example of violation of HH.RR. the case of Minera San Xavier, owned by Canadian transnational Metallica Resources Inc., which operates illegally in the town of Cerro de San Pedro, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, cyanide poisoning their drinking water over a million and half inhabitants, without permission, only the full support of the federal government.
* In September of this year, by not complying with the rules in the proper handling of toxic wastes, the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA) initiated administrative proceedings against Mina San Xavier de Metallica.
* In August 2007, the differences between the San Xavier Mining [part of Metallica Resources] and its opponents has increased even mining company employees shot home and threatened to kill a member of the Broad Opposition Front, Armando Mendoza Puente at Cerro de San Pedro. All this with the consent of state authorities and lack of enforcement.
* In April 2007, as explosions made by the Minera San Xavier [subsidiary of Metallica Resources] in Cerro de San Pedro, threatens more than 40 families still living in the town and causing serious accidents and the total disappearance a community, in addition to TNT explosives using highly toxic to the health of citizens and the environment.
* In 2006 became a referendum on the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico in which the population voted in a 97.59% non-installation of the mine of Metallica.
* In October 2007, the Regional Environmental Commission (COREMA) agreed to initiate an investigation to determine possible responsibilities of the mining company Xstrata Copper, for alleged unauthorized water extraction in superficial course within the framework of his work exploration project "El Morro", located in the municipality of Alto del Carmen. This irregularity had been detected in an audit conducted by the General Water Directorate (DGA) in August, at which time it would have verified that the slope of 37 km was altered in its natural course and that would be drawing water from a course superficial.
Xstrata | Crocodyl http://www.crocodyl.org/wiki/xstrata
Environment and product safety:
In 2003 Xstrata admitted that its chrome mines in Kroondal in South Africa were responsible for polluting the Sandspruit waterway. The admission came after the problem was brought to light by an investigation conducted by the NW Eco Forum and Moneyweb.
In June 2008 Xstrata was fined the equivalent of about $60,000 by the Peruvian regulatory agency OSINERGMIN for environmental violations at the Las Bambas copper project.
In Australia, Xstrata has been facing accusations that its Mount Asa smelter in Queensland is responsible for elevated blood levels of lead in children living nearby. In one lawsuit brought on behalf of a six-year-old girl, the plaintiff’s lawyers successfully pressured the company to hand over internal documents about the matter. The case is pending.
An executive at the Alumbrera copper and gold mine in Argentina controlled by Xstrata was convicted of criminal charges in connection with contamination of waterways. An appeals court upheld the conviction in 2008 and ordered the seizure of Julian Rooney’s assets, but he was not imprisoned. This was apparently the first prosecution in Latin America for crimes against the environment.
Human rights:
Xstrata was one of the companies featured in a 2007 report published by the anti-poverty group War on Want about the role of UK mining companies in human rights abuses in poor countries. The report focused on Xstrata’s Alumbrera mine in Argentina, where peaceful protests against the mine and lax government enforcement were said to have been attacked by police.
The report also mentions allegations of forced evictions in connection with the El Cerrejon mine in Colombia, where Xstrata has a minority stake, and allegations of mistreatment of protestors at the Bushveld platinum complex in South Africa, where Xstrata has extensive operations.
Xstrata's connection to human rights abuses in Colombia http://www.minesandcommunities.org/article.php?a=3220
In order to understand Xstrata's connection to human rights abuses in Colombia, we first need to comprehend the incestuous structures so commonly found in multinational companies-and behind which they so often hide. Swiss-based multinational Glencore controls 40 percent of Xstrata-it owns 16 percent of Xstrata outright and voting rights for another 24 percent stake held by Credit Suisse. Glencore owned a one-third share of the Cerrejón Mine in Colombia, the world's largest open-pit coalmine, when the mine forcibly displaced the Afro-Colombian village of Tabaco in early 2002 to allow for the mine's expansion. [* Please see MAC editorial comment below].
Villagers who insisted on collectively negotiating the relocation of Tabaco were forcibly displaced from their homes by 200 Colombian soldiers, police and members of the mine's private security force. Many villagers received no remuneration following their displacement and have continued to demand that the mine's owners resettle their community. In February 2006, Glencore sold its one-third share in the Cerrejón Mine to Xstrata, a company it partly owns-BHP Billiton and Anglo American own the remaining two-thirds of the mine.
Meanwhile, the Cerrejón Mine has announced that it intends to increase its annual coal production to 32 million metric tons from 26 million tons. In all likelihood, some of that increased production will be coal from the land upon which the village of Tabaco used to sit. Furthermore, some of this coal will inevitably end up being shipped to Nova Scotia Power's electricity generating plants.
Doug Casey: Making Terrorism Your Friend Interviewed by Louis James, Editor, International Speculator http://www.lewrockwell.com/casey/casey44.1.html
Today, they talk about Al Qaida being "our enemy." But, first off, Al Qaida isn't a country. You can't invade it, nor capture its capital. It's such a decentralized and amorphous entity, there's simply no military way to defeat it.
L. It's not even a military organization. There's no top general to assassinate. It's a disorganized movement of Islamic people pissed off at the West – it's an idea, more than anything else.
Doug: That's right, and now that the U.S. has whacked the hornets' nest, I believe there are now scores, maybe even hundreds, of Al Qaida look-alikes all around the world. They don't take orders from some Al Qaida chief – they watch each other and take ideas from those who pull off successful attacks.
Actually, it's a sign of how backward the thinking is on this subject that the U.S. apparently still sees Al Qaida as a hierarchical organization. At most, it has franchises and licensees. The best analogy is perhaps the drug business, where there are dozens of large organizations, unrelated to each other, but that share the same objective and similar methodologies.
They need not think alike, nor even like one another, but they have a common enemy, learn from each other, and improve their methods with each iteration. So, even if the U.S. were to somehow, miraculously, wipe out every living member of Al Qaida today, the idea would continue. New volunteers would pick up the banner, and the fight would continue. It would make absolutely no difference to the way the world is evolving.